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Climate Change Response
  • [氣候變遷因應] Climate Change Response

    JinnHer has taken actions to meet the long-term goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

    1.碳排減量計畫 GHG Emission Reductions Project

    2.完成溫室氣體盤查 Greenhouse Gas Verification Completed

    3.碳足跡查證 Product Carbon Footprint Statement
    This includes the validation of product system boundary which involves the GHG source or sinks from the acquisition of raw material, process activities and transportation of raw material in the product life cycle.
    The product carbon footprint with the declared unit of one tonne HEX HEAD CAP SCREW, H.T. ZINC exclude packaging is 2.7036 tonne CO2 equivalent.

  • 晉禾產品碳足跡宣告書

  • 4.碳中和認證 Carbon Neutrality Declaration
  • 晉禾產品碳中和宣告書